Monday, January 18, 2010

Pumpkin needs a new home

Pumpkin needs a FANTASTIC forever home. She is sitting in adoptions at Arlington Animal Services. What unusual, and beautiful markings Ms. Pumpkin has! She was found by a citizen that kept her a week until they left for Christmas vacation. They said she was tremendous. But they had to turn her into the shelter when they left town. Pumpkin was adopted the same day she got to the shelter, but when she tested positive for heartworms, her adopter backed out.
However, Pumpkin made it out of the shelter one more time.

One week later, she was dumped because she had an aversion to the crate. She did NOT tear up anything in the house, but they didn’t want to deal with a dog that didn’t like the crate. The thought that she might tear something up was too much for the adopter.

Debra has graciously placed Pumpkin back into adoptions. Everyone who has handled her has raved that she is just the biggest snuggle bunny. And, while she is quite clever, that just makes her more fun to hang with.

So, can you please help us find a person with a little tolerance looking for a snuggly companion who is ever so smart and happy. And, if her forever home had another young, playful dog, that would even be better.
Pumpkin is spayed, has her vaccinations and is ready to walk out the door.
Please help us find Pumpkin a forever home. She’s waiting for her walk and to give her new owners lots of kisses.image004.gY0v0zC4TOtS.jpgDSC01029.rtQwOwRQWCQ3.jpgDSC01031.sLMPLW6u9Hr1.jpg

1 comment:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed fur Pumpkin!

I just know the right people will find her!